Subject: NW NewtonBoy Author: Joel Bussey Uploaded By: PDC Brian Date: 10/2/1996 File: NewtnBoy.sit (35486 bytes) Estimated Download Time (6635 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 319 Equipment: Newton Needs: Mac or Windows Connection Kit, Unstuffit utility Keywords: Newton Sounds Bussey KEYWORDS: Newton Sounds Bussey Previous Downloads: 151 Checked/fixed for PC unstuffing and transfer to the Newton. This is not a new version, so Mac users do not need to download this again. My name is Joel Bussey and I am a student at the University of Oklahoma. I work for a company named MicroSynergy in Oklahoma City and I wrote this little package as my first venture with the Newton Toolkit. It doesn't do much but play a couple of sounds. I call it "Newton Boy's Demo" because a friend of mine saw me with the Newton on the first day of classes at the University of Oklahoma and called me "Newton Boy" and that nickname has stuck with me ever since. I include one sound from the "Hamburgler" (from McDonalds--it's kinda' a joke with the MIS students at OU). He'll say "Robble Robble" for you! Enjoy this crazy thing! Joel Bussey MicroSynergy, Oklahoma City, OK This file has been checked with Disinfectant 3.3 is known to be virus-free at the time of uploading . This file can be found in the PDA Forum's Software Libraries (Keyword PDA).